



検索結果表示: 31-40 / 45389.
Effect of cation species on surface-induced phase transition observed for platinum complex anions in platinum electrodeposition using nanoporous silicon.
  Koda, Ryo; Koyama, Akira; Fukami, Kazuhiro; Nishi, Naoya; Sakka, Tetsuo; Abe, Takeshi; Kitada, Atsushi; Murase, Kuniaki; Kinoshita, Masahiro (2014-08-21)
  The Journal of chemical physics, 141(7)
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Periosteal cells are a major source of soft callus in bone fracture.
  Murao, Hiroki; Yamamoto, Koji; Matsuda, Shuichi; Akiyama, Haruhiko (2013-07)
  Journal of bone and mineral metabolism, 31(4): 390-398
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Joint Cognition: Thought contagion and the consequences of cooperation when Sharing the Task of Random Sequence Generation
  Towse, John Nicholas; Towse, Andrea Sarah; Saito, Satoru; Maehara, Yukio; Miyake, Akira (2016-03-15)
  PLOS ONE, 11(3)
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ライプニッツの創造論 (一)
  福谷, 茂 (2010-12-25)
  近世哲学研究, 14: 15-35
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Gate-Tunable Spin-Charge Conversion and the Role of Spin-Orbit Interaction in Graphene
  Dushenko, S.; Ago, H.; Kawahara, K.; Tsuda, T.; Kuwabata, S.; Takenobu, T.; Shinjo, T.; Ando, Y.; Shiraishi, M. (2016-04-21)
  Physical Review Letters, 116(16)
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京大東アジアセンターニュースレター 第538号
  京都大学経済学研究科東アジア経済研究センター (2014-09-29)
  京大東アジアセンターニュースレター, 538
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  澤西, 祐典 (2015-03-23)
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Motion Estimation and Compensation Hardware Architecture with Hierarchy of Flexibility in Video Encoder LSIs
  Nitta, Koyo (2015-03-23)
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Formation and Development of the Visual Public Sphere in the Republic of Turkey:Communication of Recognition and Sympathy in a Plural Society
  Sononaka, Yoko (2015-03-23)
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Studies on Information Sharing using Peer-to-Peer Systems and Information-Centric Networking
  Matsubara, Daisuke (2015-03-23)
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