


検索結果表示: 41-50 / 327.
An exotic herbivorous insect drives the evolution of resistance in the exotic perennial herb
  Sakata, Yuzu; Yamasaki, Michimasa; Isagi, Yuji; Ohgushi, Takayuki (2014-09)
  Ecology, 95(9): 2569-2578
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尿路性器結核の最近の動向 1.日本の尿路結核の死亡率と奈良県における罹患率について
  岡島, 英五郎; 本宮, 善恢; 入矢, 一之; 伊集院, 真澄 (1971-12)
  泌尿器科紀要, 17(12): 737-749
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  和志田, 裕人; 上田, 公介 (1971-12)
  泌尿器科紀要, 17(12): 755-765
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Earthquake Disaster Preparedness for Tourism Industry in Japan and China
  Wu, Lihui (2015-03-23)
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  石神, 襄次; 原, 信二; 柏井, 浩三; 玉置, 明; 森脇, 宏; 阿岸, 鉄三; 大島, 秀夫; 松田, 源治; 庄司, 武夫; 福田, 泰久; 黒田, 清輝; 斉藤, 博; 竜見, 明; 福原, 公; 速見, 晴朗; 柴, 務; 長浜, 通正; 守殿, 貞夫; 田中, 邦彦; 三田, 俊彦; 寺杣, 一徳 (1968-10)
  泌尿器科紀要, 14(10): 758-766
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  桐山, 啻夫; 柏木, 崇; 大北, 純三; 小宮, 俊秀; 多嘉良, 稔; 田尻, 葵矩夫; 小金丸, 恒夫; 広中, 弘; 福田, 和男; 佐長, 俊昭; 本永, 逸哉; 市川, 哲也 (1968-12)
  泌尿器科紀要, 14(12): 879-885
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<Articles>Savings Groups and Rural Financial Markets: Japanese and Thai Experiences
  OHNO, Akihiko (2015-03)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(4): 15-38
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Handling incidental findings in neuroimaging research in Japan: current state of research facilities and attitudes of investigators and the general population.
  Fujita, Misao; Hayashi, Yoshinori; Tashiro, Shimon; Takashima, Kyoko; Nakazawa, Eisuke; Akabayashi, Akira (2014-10-06)
  Health research policy and systems, 12
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  石川, 昌義; 林, 威三雄; 岡島, 英五郎; 奥村, 秀弘; 井本, 卓; 吉田, 宏二郎; 牧浦, 洋; 岡本, 政和; 本宮, 善恢; 入矢, 一之; 伊集院, 真澄; 近藤, 徳也 (1972-04)
  泌尿器科紀要, 18(4): 275-279
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A new quadrannulate species of Orobdella (Hirudinida, Arhynchobdellida, Orobdellidae) from central Honshu, Japan.
  Nakano, Takafumi (2014-10-13)
  ZooKeys, 445: 57-76
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