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Ranking Journal Quality by Harmonic Mean of Ranks : An Application to ISI Statistics & Probability
  McAleer, Michael; Chang, Chia-Lin (2012-05)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 819
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Ranking Multivariate GARCH Models by Problem Dimension: An Empirical Evaluation
  Caporin, Massimiliano; McAleer, Michael (2011-06)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 778
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A Ranking over "More Risk Averse Than" Relations and its Applicaion to the Smooh Ambiguity Model
  Hara, Chiaki (2020-01-30)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 1019: 1-28
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Rate Optimal Specification Test When the Number of Instruments is Large
  Hitomi, Kohtaro; Iwasawa, Masamune; Nishiyama, Yoshihiko (2018-03-02)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 986: 1-45
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  令和4年度「異常気象と長期変動」研究集会報告: 138-141
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  山田, 賢; 卜部, 佑介; 後藤, 敦史; 川瀬, 宏明; 野坂, 真也; 遠藤, 洋和; 佐々木, 秀孝; 村田, 昭彦; 伊東, 瑠衣; 渡邉, 俊一 (2020-03)
  令和元年度「異常気象と長期変動」研究集会報告: 10-14
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  河野, 進 (2004-03)
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Real Options and Signaling in Strategic Investment Games
  Watanabe, Takahiro (2012-01)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 809
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Realized Volatility Risk
  Allen, David E.; McAleer, Michael; Scharth, Marcel (2010-12)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 753
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Recent Developments in Financial Economics and Econometrics: An Overview
  Chang, Chia-Lin; Allen, David E.; McAleer, Michael (2013-01)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 842
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Recent Research Activities about the Chernobyl NPP Accidentin Belarus, Ukraine and Russia
  IMANAKA, T. (2016-10)
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Reconciling the Chinese Financial Development with its Economic Growth : A Discursive Essay
  Jean-Claude, Maswana (2005-03)
  京都大学大学院経済学研究科Working Paper, 78
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A Reconsideration of the NAS-Rule from an Industrial Agglomeration Perspective
  Mori, Tomoya; Smith, Tony E. (2009-02)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 669
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Recovery from the Mega-quake in Japan: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms
  Wakasugi, Ryuhei; Tanaka, Ayumu (2013-06)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 867
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Recurrent Preemption Games
  Matsushima, Hitoshi (2020-02-13)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 1020: 1-23
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Reed-Kellogg, Tesnière, Мельчук, and Universal Dependencies
  Yasuoka, Koichi (2022-05)
  : 1-4
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Reexamination on Updating Choquet Beliefs
  Horie, Mayumi (2007-11)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 643
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Regional Cluster Development Measures and New Technology Based Firms Cultivation in Japan
  Kirihata, Tetsuya (2008-11)
  京都大学大学院経済学研究科Working Paper, 99
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Regulatory reform of Japan's electric power industry : economies of scale-and-scope and yardstick competition
  Ida, Takanori; Kuwahara, Tetsuya (2002-07)
  京都大学大学院経済学研究科Working Paper, 57
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Rejection prices and an auctioneer with non-monotonic utility
  Shui, Zhonghao (2019-04-08)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 1008: 1-28
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