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仲田, 研登. Inset games and their strategies (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
宮本, 雅彦. Leech lattice and holomorphic VOA (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
矢部, 貴大. Universal decomposition algebras and the classification of 2-generated non-primitive axial algebras of Jordan type (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
小田, 文仁. Cohomological Mackey 2-motives (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
伊藤, 達郎. Polynomial association schemes and co-polynomial association schemes (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
Huang, Hau-Wen. U(sl₂) AND THE TERWILLIGER ALGEBRAS (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
田中, 太初. Characterizing graphs with fully positive semidefinite Q-matrices (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
坂内, 悦子. Classification of the tight Euclidean 5-designs in ℝ². 数理解析研究所講究録. 2253. 2023. 56-70
. 表紙・目次. 数理解析研究所講究録. 2253. 2023
栗原, 大武. Finite homogeneous quandles from group theoretical point of view (Research on finite groups, algebraic combinatorics, and vertex algebras)
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