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タイトル: <実践報告>芝浦工業大学における学生参画型FD活動SCOTプログラム
その他のタイトル: <Reports>A Faculty Development Involving Students: SCOT Program at Shibaura Institute of Technology
著者: ホートン広瀬, 恵美子  KAKEN_name
榊原, 暢久  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Horton, Emiko Hirose
Sakakibara, Nobuhisa
キーワード: 大学教育
student involvement
faculty development
self-motivated learning
higher education
発行日: 1-Dec-2014
出版者: 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター
誌名: 京都大学高等教育研究
巻: 20
開始ページ: 31
終了ページ: 38
抄録: This paper introduces Student Consulting on Teaching (SCOT) program, as one of the faculty development programs atShibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), and its educational effects. SCOT program is a Faculty Development (FD) programin which trained students observe classes at the request of professors and hold consultation meetings for the improvementof teaching. Since the FD became mandatory for undergraduate programs in 2008, universities in Japan have been makingvarious efforts to improve education. Shibaura Institute of Technology is no exception. Teaching Portfolio Workshops, NewFaculty Training, and Follow-up Training are some of the FD programs at SIT. While the importance of a paradigm shift from“teaching” to “learning” is well-recognized in the educational society now, the involvement of “learners” is rarely seenin the FD programs. SCOT program has turned out to be effective in two ways; one is for the original purpose, FD, andthe other is the students’ growth. Through the training and the challenging tasks as SCOTs, students have become selfmotivatedlearners. They started taking initiatives in their learnings to improve their SCOT skills. While SCOT programprovides the support for the teachers to improve their teaching, it provides the opportunities for students to cultivateresponsibility and autonomy in their own learnings.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/197287


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