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タイトル: <研究ノート>全学型キャリア教育科目の実践的課題 --カリキュラム・マネジメントを手がかりとした考察--
その他のタイトル: <Research Notes>Practical Issues of Career Education Programs in General Education Courses: A Study Based on a Curriculum Management Framework
著者: 長田, 尚子  KAKEN_name
中川, 洋子  KAKEN_name
川﨑, 友嗣  KAKEN_name
勝又, あずさ  KAKEN_name
杉谷, 祐美子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Osada, Naoko
Nakagawa, Yoko
Kawasaki, Tomotsugu
Katsumata, Azusa
Sugitani, Yumiko
キーワード: キャリア教育
Career Education
Liberal Arts Education
Career Education Programs in General Education
Curriculum Management
発行日: 1-Dec-2018
出版者: 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター
誌名: 京都大学高等教育研究
巻: 24
開始ページ: 55
終了ページ: 65
抄録: 大学におけるキャリア教育は、教養教育や専門教育を通じて多くの大学で実施されるようになったが、その多様性により、教育実践としてどのように捉え、教育改善に取り組むべきかについて、試行錯誤が続いている。本稿では、教養教育の1つの群として体系化された全学型キャリア教育科目を展開する3つの総合大学の事例を対象に、カリキュラム・マネジメントの考え方を手がかりに考察を行い、複数事例の横断的な検討を通じ、共通の課題を明らかにした。カリキュラム部分の連関性の確保不足や、カリキュラム部分とマネジメント部分との対応関係にずれがあると問題が生じやすく、教育改善に向けては、カリキュラム・マネジメントが機能することの重要性が示唆された。
Career education has come to be implemented at many universities through liberal arts education or specialized education. However, the understanding of career education as an educational practice and how to go about improving it has been a continuous trial-and-error process. This is, in part, due to the fact that diversity in the field of career education makes it difficult to understand the practice and form a framework for it. In this study, we conducted analyses and held discussions, with curriculum management as a key framework, on the case studies of three universities that are developing systematic career education programs in general education courses that belong to the liberal arts education. As a result, we were able to clarify the issues that the three universities had in common through a cross-section of multiple cases of the general education courses from the perspective of the curriculum management. This finding suggests that a misalignment of aspects in the curriculum section or a gap in correspondence between the curriculum section and the management section tend to lead to the problems of career education. In order to improve career education, well-functioning curriculum management is therefore important.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/241250


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