



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 243.
Fragility Function Development and Seismic Loss Assessment of Expansion Joints
  Otsuki, Yu; Kurata, Masahiro; Skalomenos, Konstantinos; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Akazawa, Motoki (2019-07-25)
  Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 48(9): 1007-1029
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  和田, 拓也; 池田, 芳樹; 倉田, 真宏; 鹿嶋, 俊英 (2019-03)
  構造工学論文集 B, 65B: 17-30
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Damage sequence and safety margin assessment of expansion joints by shake table testing
  Otsuki, Yu; Kurata, Masahiro; Skalomenos, Konstantinos A.; Ikeda, Yoshiki (2019-1)
  Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 48(1): 3-26
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  山田, 真澄 (2019)
  地震 第2輯, 72: 91-99
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京都大学防災研究所要覧 2019-2020
  京都大学防災研究所要覧, 2019-2020: 1-49
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Quantitative Estimation of Strong Winds in an Urban District during Typhoon Jebi (2018) by Merging Mesoscale Meteorological and Large-Eddy Simulations
  Takemi, Tetsuya; Yoshida, Toshiya; Yamasaki, Shota; Hase, Kentaro (2019)
  SOLA, 15: 22-27
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京都大学「地震リスクと不確実性」ワークショップシリーズ(2016-2018年度) : ショートレポート --科学者x実践者の対話--
  清水, 美香; 橋本, 学 (2019-08)
  : 1-17
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Dynamical downscaling of Typhoon Lionrock (2016) for assessing the resulting hazards under global warming
  Nayak, Sridhara; Takemi, Tetsuya (2019)
  Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 97(1): 69-88
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Dependence of extreme precipitable water events on temperature
  Nayak, Sridhara; Takemi, Tetsuya (2019)
  Atmósfera, 32(2): 159-165
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  矢守, 克也; 竹之内, 健介; 大西, 正光; 佐山, 敬洋; 本間, 基寛 (2019-03-29)
  平成30年7月豪雨災害調査報告書: 91-92
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