



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 18.
Spatial correlation of a particle-hole pair with a repulsive isovector interaction
  Hagino, K.; Sagawa, H. (2022-09)
  Physical Review C, 106(3)
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A nuclear periodic table
  Hagino, K.; Maeno, Y. (2020-04-21)
  Foundations of Chemistry, 22: 267-273
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Role of triaxiality in deformed halo nuclei
  Uzawa, K.; Hagino, K.; Yoshida, K. (2021-07)
  Physical Review C, 104(1)
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Fusion reaction of a weakly-bound nucleus with a deformed target
  Choi, Ki-Seok; Kim, K. S.; Cheoun, Myung-Ki; So, W. Y.; Hagino, K. (2021-03)
  Physical Review C, 103(3)
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Generator coordinate method with a conjugate momentum: application to the particle number projection
  Hizawa, N.; Hagino, K.; Yoshida, K. (2021-03)
  Physical Review C, 103(3)
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A new approach for open quantum systems based on a phonon numberrepresentation of a harmonic oscillator bath
  Tokieda, M.; Hagino, K. (2020-01)
  Annals of Physics, 412
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Time-dependent generator coordinate method for many-particle tunneling
  Hasegawa, N.; Hagino, K.; Tanimura, Y. (2020-09-10)
  Physics Letters B, 808
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Halo Structure of the Neutron-Dripline Nucleus ¹⁹B
  Cook, K. J.; Nakamura, T.; Kondo, Y.; Hagino, K.; Ogata, K.; Saito, A. T.; Achouri, N. L.; Aumann, T.; Baba, H.; Delaunay, F.; Deshayes, Q.; Doornenbal, P.; Fukuda, N.; Gibelin, J.; Hwang, J. W.; Inabe, N.; Isobe, T.; Kameda, D.; Kanno, D.; Kim, S.; Kobayashi, N.; Kobayashi, T.; Kubo, T.; Leblond, S.; Lee, J.; Marqués, F. M.; Minakata, R.; Motobayashi, T.; Muto, K.; Murakami, T.; Murai, D.; Nakashima, T.; Nakatsuka, N.; Navin, A.; Nishi, S.; Ogoshi, S.; Orr, N. A.; Otsu, H.; Sato, H.; Satou, Y.; Shimizu, Y.; Suzuki, H.; Takahashi, K.; Takeda, H.; Takeuchi, S.; Tanaka, R.; Togano, Y.; Tsubota, J.; Tuff, A. G.; Vandebrouck, M.; Yoneda, K. (2020-05-29)
  Physical Review Letters, 124(21)
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Schematic model for induced fission in a configuration-interaction approach
  Uzawa, K.; Hagino, K. (2023-08)
  Physical Review C, 108(2)
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Applications of the dynamical generator coordinate method to quadrupole excitations
  Hizawa, N.; Hagino, K.; Yoshida, K. (2022-06)
  Physical Review C, 105(6)
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