


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 374.
Effect of cation species on surface-induced phase transition observed for platinum complex anions in platinum electrodeposition using nanoporous silicon.
  Koda, Ryo; Koyama, Akira; Fukami, Kazuhiro; Nishi, Naoya; Sakka, Tetsuo; Abe, Takeshi; Kitada, Atsushi; Murase, Kuniaki; Kinoshita, Masahiro (2014-08-21)
  The Journal of chemical physics, 141(7)
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Grain boundary sliding associated with low strain rate at 1000℃ in recrystallized ODS ferritic steel
  Kamikawa, R.; Ukai, S.; Oono, N.; Kaito, T.; Torimaru, T.; Kimura, A.; Hayashi, S.; Masuda, H.; Sato, E. (2016-12)
  Nuclear Materials and Energy, 9: 338-341
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Efficient near-infrared up-conversion photoluminescence in carbon nanotubes
  Akizuki, Naoto; Aota, Shun; Mouri, Shinichiro; Matsuda, Kazunari; Miyauchi, Yuhei (2015-11-16)
  Nature communications, 6
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On the physics of thermal-stability changes upon mutations of a protein.
  Murakami, Shota; Oshima, Hiraku; Hayashi, Tomohiko; Kinoshita, Masahiro (2015-09-30)
  The Journal of chemical physics, 143(12)
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Dynamic tensile properties of reduced-activation ferritic steel F82H
  Kasada, Ryuta; Ishii, Daiki; Ando, Masami; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu; Ohata, Mitsuru; Konishi, Satoshi (2015-11)
  Fusion Engineering and Design, 100: 146-151
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Reduction of transverse emittance in electron injectors caused by space charge effects
  Mizuno, A.; Masuda, K.; Yamamoto, M. (2015-02)
  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 774: 51-59
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Tunable electronic correlation effects in nanotube-light interactions
  Miyauchi, Yuhei; Zhang, Zhengyi; Takekoshi, Mitsuhide; Tomio, Yuh; Suzuura, Hidekatsu; Perebeinos, Vasili; Deshpande, Vikram V.; Lu, Chenguang; Berciaud, Stéphane; Kim, Philip; Hone, James; Heinz, Tony F. (2015-11-04)
  Physical Review B, 92(20)
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Nanograting formation on metals in air with interfering femtosecond laser pulses
  Miyazaki, Kenzo; Miyaji, Godai; Inoue, Toshishige (2015-08-17)
  Applied Physics Letters, 107(7)
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Time-resolved detection of structural change in polyethylene films using mid-infrared laser pulses
  Ageev, Eduard; Mizobata, Keisuke; Nakajima, Takashi; Zen, Heishun; Kii, Toshiteru; Ohgaki, Hideaki (2015-07-29)
  Applied Physics Letters, 107(4)
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K(+)-responsive off-to-on switching of hammerhead ribozyme through dual G-quadruplex formation requiring no heating and cooling treatment.
  Yamaoki, Yudai; Nagata, Takashi; Mashima, Tsukasa; Katahira, Masato (2015-12-04)
  Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 468(1-2): 27-31
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