


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 21.
Improved and large-scale synthesis of 10-methyl-aplog-1, a potential lead for an anticancer drug
  Kikumori, Masayuki; Yanagita, Ryo C.; Irie, Kazuhiro (2014-12)
  Tetrahedron, 70(52): 9776-9782
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Synthesis and biological activities of the amide derivative of aplog-1, a simplified analog of aplysiatoxin with anti-proliferative and cytotoxic activities.
  Hanaki, Yusuke; Yanagita, Ryo C; Sugahara, Takahiro; Aida, Misako; Tokuda, Harukuni; Suzuki, Nobutaka; Irie, Kazuhiro (2015)
  Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 79(6): 888-895
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Synthesis and characterization of the amyloid β40 dimer model with a linker at position 30 adjacent to the intermolecular β-sheet region.
  Murakami, Kazuma; Suzuki, Takashi; Hanaki, Mizuho; Monobe, Yoko; Akagi, Ken-Ichi; Irie, Kazuhiro (2015-10-23)
  Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 466(3): 463-467
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Monoclonal antibody with conformational specificity for a toxic conformer of amyloid β42 and its application toward the Alzheimer's disease diagnosis.
  Murakami, Kazuma; Tokuda, Maki; Suzuki, Takashi; Irie, Yumi; Hanaki, Mizuho; Izuo, Naotaka; Monobe, Yoko; Akagi, Ken-Ichi; Ishii, Ryotaro; Tatebe, Harutsugu; Tokuda, Takahiko; Maeda, Masahiro; Kume, Toshiaki; Shimizu, Takahiko; Irie, Kazuhiro (2016-07-04)
  Scientific reports, 6
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An RNA aptamer with potent affinity for a toxic dimer of amyloid β42 has potential utility for histochemical studies of Alzheimer's disease
  Murakami, Kazuma; Obata, Yayoi; Sekikawa, Asa; Ueda, Haruka; Izuo, Naotaka; Awano, Tatsuya; Takabe, Keiji; Shimizu, Takahiko; Irie, Kazuhiro (2020-04-10)
  Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295(15): 4870-4880
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Site-specific inhibitory mechanism for amyloid β42 aggregation by catechol-type flavonoids targeting the Lys residues.
  Sato, Mizuho; Murakami, Kazuma; Uno, Mayumi; Nakagawa, Yu; Katayama, Sumie; Akagi, Ken-ichi; Masuda, Yuichi; Takegoshi, Kiyonori; Irie, Kazuhiro (2013-08-09)
  The Journal of biological chemistry, 288(32): 23212-23224
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Synthesis and biological activities of simplified analogs of the natural PKC ligands, bryostatin-1 and aplysiatoxin.
  Irie, Kazuhiro; Yanagita, Ryo C (2014-04)
  The Chemical Record, 14(2): 251-267
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Synthesis of Alkyl Bridged‐Tris‐α‐Amino Acids as C₃‐Symmetric and Linear Linkers
  Uchino, Ayumi; Tsukano, Chihiro; Imamoto, Tsuneo; Irie, Kazuhiro (2021-03-05)
  European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021(9): 1370-1377
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Role of the phenolic hydroxyl group in the biological activities of simplified analogue of aplysiatoxin with antiproliferative activity.
  Yanagita, Ryo C; Kamachi, Hiroaki; Tanaka, Keisuke; Murakami, Akira; Nakagawa, Yu; Tokuda, Harukuni; Nagai, Hiroshi; Irie, Kazuhiro (2010-10-15)
  Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 20(20): 6064-6066
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Synthesis and structure–activity studies of simplified analogues of aplysiatoxin with antiproliferative activity like bryostatin-1
  Irie, Kazuhiro; Kikumori, Masayuki; Kamachi, Hiroaki; Tanaka, Keisuke; Murakami, Akira; Yanagita, Ryo C.; Tokuda, Harukuni; Suzuki, Nobutaka; Nagai, Hiroshi; Suenaga, Kiyotake; Nakagawa, Yu (2012)
  Pure and Applied Chemistry, 84(6): 1341-1351
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