



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 23.
  神戸, 大朋 (2013-05)
  日本衛生学雑誌, 68(2): 92-102
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Fas deficiency in mice with the Balb/c background induces blepharitis with allergic inflammation and hyper-IgE production in conjunction with severe autoimmune disease.
  Takahashi, Suzuka; Futatsugi-Yumikura, Shizue; Fukuoka, Ayumi; Yoshimoto, Tomohiro; Nakanishi, Kenji; Yonehara, Shin (2013-05)
  International immunology, 25(5): 287-293
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Screening of isoquinoline alkaloids for potent lipid metabolism modulation with Caenorhabditis elegans.
  Chow, Yit-Lai; Sato, Fumihiko (2013-05-15)
  Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 77(12): 2405-2412
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Identification of a novel type 2 innate immunocyte with the ability to enhance IgE production.
  Fukuoka, Ayumi; Futatsugi-Yumikura, Shizue; Takahashi, Suzuka; Kazama, Hirotaka; Iyoda, Tomonori; Yoshimoto, Tomohiro; Inaba, Kayo; Nakanishi, Kenji; Yonehara, Shin (2013-06)
  International immunology, 25(6): 373-382
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Antibody-based analysis reveals "filamentous vs. non-filamentous" and "cytoplasmic vs. nuclear" crosstalk of cytoskeletal proteins.
  Kumeta, Masahiro; Hirai, Yuya; Yoshimura, Shige H; Horigome, Tsuneyoshi; Takeyasu, Kunio (2013-12-10)
  Experimental cell research, 319(20): 3226-3237
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Role of NBS1 in DNA damage response and its relationship with cancer development
  Saito, Yuichiro; Fujimoto, Hiroko; Kobayashi, Junya (2013-06)
  Translational Cancer Research, 2(3): 178-189
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Atypical cadherin negotiates a turn
  Shi, Dongbo; Fujimori, Toshihiko; Uemura, Tadashi (2013-07-15)
  Developmental Cell, 26(1): 1-2
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Particle Size of Latex Beads Dictates IL-1β Production Mechanism.
  Adachi, Takumi; Takahara, Kazuhiko; Taneo, Jun; Uchiyama, Yasuo; Inaba, Kayo (2013-07)
  PloS one, 8(7)
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High LET Radiation Amplifies Centrosome Overduplication Through a Pathway of γ-Tubulin Monoubiquitination.
  Shimada, Mikio; Hirayama, Ryoichi; Komatsu, Kenshi (2013-06-01)
  International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 86(2): 358-365
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Transcription factors in alkaloid biosynthesis.
  Yamada, Yasuyuki; Sato, Fumihiko (2013)
  International review of cell and molecular biology, 305: 339-382
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