


検索結果表示: 61-70 / 194.
Empirical dynamic modeling for beginners
  Chang, Chun-Wei; Ushio, Masayuki; Hsieh, Chih-hao (2017-11)
  Ecological Research, 32(6): 785-796
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Volatile compounds from young peach shoots attract males of oriental fruit moth in the field
  Il'ichev, Alex L.; Kugimiya, Soichi; Williams, David G.; Takabayashi, Junji (2009-12)
  Journal of Plant Interactions, 4(4): 289-294
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Fresh-marketable tomato yields enhanced by moderate weed control and suppressed fruit dehiscence with woodchip mulching
  Horimoto, Sakae; Fukuda, Kazuaki; Yoshimura, Jin; Ishida, Atsushi (2022)
  Scientific Reports, 12
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Detection and identification of potentially toxic cyanobacteria: Ubiquitous distribution of Microcystis aeruginosa and Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi in Japanese lakes
  Hodoki, Yoshikuni; Ohbayashi, Kako; Kobayashi, Yuki; Okuda, Noboru; Nakano, Shin-ichi (2012-04)
  Harmful Algae, 16: 49-57
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Endophytic fungi associated with leaves of Betulaceae in Japan.
  Osono, Takashi; Masuya, Hayato (2012-04)
  Canadian journal of microbiology, 58(4): 507-515
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Selective lignin decomposition and nitrogen mineralization in forest litter colonized by Clitocybe sp.
  Osono, Takashi; Hobara, Satoru; Hishinuma, Takuya; Azuma, Jun-ichi (2011-03)
  European Journal of Soil Biology, 47(2): 114-121
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Indirect interaction webs on tall goldenrod: community consequences of herbivore-induced phenotypes and genetic variation of plants
  Ohgushi, Takayuki; Ando, Yoshino; Utsumi, Shunsuke; Craig, Timothy P. (2011-06)
  Journal of Plant Interactions, 6(2-3): 147-150
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New organic reference materials for carbon- and nitrogen-stable isotope ratio measurements provided by Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, and Institute of Biogeosciences, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
  Tayasu, Ichiro; Hirasawa, Riyo; Ogawa, Nanako O.; Ohkouchi, Naohiko; Yamada, Keita (2011-12)
  Limnology, 12(3): 261-266
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Florivory indirectly decreases the plant reproductive output through changes in pollinator attraction
  Tsuji, Kaoru; Ohgushi, Takayuki (2018-03-05)
  Ecology and Evolution, 8(5): 2993-3001
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Cyclic transitions in simulated food-web evolution
  Takahashi, Daisuke; Brännström, Åke; Mazzucco, Rupert; Yamauchi, Atsushi; Dieckmann, Ulf (2011-06)
  Journal of Plant Interactions, 6(2-3): 181-182
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