


検索結果表示: 31-40 / 52.
2.5 生活・森林圏シミュレーションフィールド共同利用
  生存圏研究, 1: 37-38
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  森, 拓郎 (2017-11-10)
  生存圏研究, 13: 19-26
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<書評>松田素二・フランシス・B・ニャムンジョ・太田 至編. 『アフリカ潜在力が世界を変える --オルタナティブな地球社会のために』京都大学学術出版会, 2022年, 452 p.
  阿部, 利洋 (2023-09-30)
  アジア・アフリカ地域研究, 23(7): 126-129
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  東南アジア研究, 51(2)
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Oocyte resorption in termite queens: Seasonal dynamics and controlling factors
  Nozaki, Tomonari; Matsuura, Kenji (2021-05)
  Journal of Insect Physiology, 131
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Termite queens close the sperm gates of eggs to switch from sexual to asexual reproduction
  Yashiro, Toshihisa; Matsuura, Kenji (2014-11-17)
  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(48): 17212-17217
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  大山, 修一; 近藤, 史; 淡路, 和江; 川西, 陽一 (2010-12-01)
  農耕の技術と文化, 27: 66-85
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Damage on living trees and ecological characteristics of the Ryukyu drywood termite, Neotermes sugioi Yashiro in Okinawa Island
  Sugio, Koji (2021-03-23)
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Termite Ectoparasitic Fungi in Japan: Distribution, Prevalence, and Molecular Detection
  Ikhsan, Guswenrivo (2018-03-26)
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Development of Acoustic Emission and Gas Monitoring Methods for Nondestructive Detection of Termite Attack on Wooden Structures
  Yanase, Yoshiyuki (2013-05-23)
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