


検索結果表示: 25801-25810 / 42930.
Polarization and intensity of Compton scattering
  Saito, Naoki; Tanaka, Ryohei; Kawai, Jun (2022-01)
  X-Ray Spectrometry, 51(1): 86-90
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CuPc Adsorption on Au(110)-(1 × 2): From a Monomer to a Periodic Chain
  Koshida, H.; Takahashi, Y.; Okuyama, H.; Hatta, S.; Aruga, T. (2022)
  e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 20(1): 25-30
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  中村, 二柄 (1954-06-05)
  史林, 37(3): 252-280
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Multifidus muscle retracted and preserved in resection of malignant bone tumor in the sacral ala
  Sakamoto, Akio; Otsuki, Bungo; Noguchi, Takashi; Matsuda, Shuichi (2021-10)
  Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2021(10)
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Shallow and deep trap states of solvated electrons in methanol and their formation, electronic excitation, and relaxation dynamics
  Lan, Jinggang; Yamamoto, Yo-ichi; Suzuki, Toshinori; Rybkin, Vladimir V. (2022-04-07)
  Chemical Science, 13(13): 3837-3844
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Admission systolic blood pressure as a prognostic predictor of acute decompensated heart failure: A report from the KCHF registry
  Kawase, Yuichi; Kato, Takao; Morimoto, Takeshi; Hata, Reo; Murai, Ryosuke; Tada, akeshi; Katoh, Harumi; Kadota, Kazushige; Yamamoto, Erika; Yaku, Hidenori; Inuzuka, Yasutaka; Tamaki, Yodo; Ozasa, Neiko; Yoshikawa, Yusuke; Iguchi, Moritake; Nagao, Kazuya; Sato, Yukihito; Kuwahara, Koichiro; Kimura, Takeshi (2021-07)
  PLOS One, 16(7)
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Role of Energy Offset in Nonradiative Voltage Loss in Organic Solar Cells
  Saito, Toshiharu; Natsuda, Shin-ichiro; Imakita, Kenta; Tamai, Yasunari; Ohkita, Hideo (2020-09)
  Solar RRL, 4(9)
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Revisiting the guidelines for ending isolation for COVID-19 patients
  Jeong, Yong Dam; Ejima, Keisuke; Kim, Kwang Su; Iwanami, Shoya; Bento, Ana I; Fujita, Yasuhisa; Jung, Il Hyo; Aihara, Kazuyuki; Watashi, Koichi; Miyazaki, Taiga; Wakita, Takaji; Iwami, Shingo; Ajelli, Marco (2021)
  eLife, 10
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<書評と紹介>アイリーン・パウア著・三好洋子訳 中世に生きる人々
  越智, 武臣 (1955-03-01)
  史林, 38(2): 170-170
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<書評と紹介>京都大学東洋史研究会編 中国随筆索引
  小野, 勝年 (1955-03-01)
  史林, 38(2): 168-170
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