



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 1753.
Joint Cognition: Thought contagion and the consequences of cooperation when Sharing the Task of Random Sequence Generation
  Towse, John Nicholas; Towse, Andrea Sarah; Saito, Satoru; Maehara, Yukio; Miyake, Akira (2016-03-15)
  PLOS ONE, 11(3)
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Gate-Tunable Spin-Charge Conversion and the Role of Spin-Orbit Interaction in Graphene
  Dushenko, S.; Ago, H.; Kawahara, K.; Tsuda, T.; Kuwabata, S.; Takenobu, T.; Shinjo, T.; Ando, Y.; Shiraishi, M. (2016-04-21)
  Physical Review Letters, 116(16)
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DeepMeSH: Deep Semantic Representation for Improving Large-scale MeSH Indexing.
  Peng, Shengwen; You, Ronghui; Wang, Hongning; Zhai, Chengxiang; Mamitsuka, Hiroshi; Zhu, Shanfeng (2016-06-11)
  Bioinformatics, 32(12): i70-i78
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  谷川, 穣 (2016-05)
  ノートル・クリティーク : 歴史と批評, 9: 2-24
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Coupled-Double-Quantum-Dot Environmental Information Engines: A Numerical Analysis
  Tanabe, Katsuaki (2016-06)
  Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(6)
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Effects of Osmolality on Paracellular Transport in MDCK II Cells
  Tokuda, Shinsaku; Hirai, Toyohiro; Furuse, Mikio (2016-11-17)
  PLOS ONE, 11(11)
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Grain boundary sliding associated with low strain rate at 1000℃ in recrystallized ODS ferritic steel
  Kamikawa, R.; Ukai, S.; Oono, N.; Kaito, T.; Torimaru, T.; Kimura, A.; Hayashi, S.; Masuda, H.; Sato, E. (2016-12)
  Nuclear Materials and Energy, 9: 338-341
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EPR pairs, local projections and quantum teleportation in holography
  Numasawa, Tokiro; Shiba, Noburo; Takayanagi, Tadashi; Watanabe, Kento (2016-08)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
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Effective field theory of broken spatial diffeomorphisms
  Lin, Chunshan; Labun, Lance Z. (2016-03)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
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MHD近似限界に迫る地球磁気圏MHDシミュレーション (特集 HPCIを利用した研究成果)
  深沢, 圭一郎 (2016-08)
  Cybermedia HPC journal, 6: 13-16
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