書誌情報 | ファイル |
表紙・目次 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438
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$v$-ANALOGUES OF KLESHCHEV BRANCHING COEFFICIENTS AND DECOMPOSITION NUMBERS : THE 3-RD JOINT WORK WITH JOSEPH CHUANG AND KAI-MENG TAN (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) 宮地, 兵衛 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 1-18
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JMMO Fock space and Geck-Rouquier classification of simple modules for Hecke algebras (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) Jacon, Nicolas (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 19-36
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INTEGRABLE MODULES OVER $\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}_m$ AND THE DOUBLE AFFINE HECKE ALGEBRA (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) Suzuki, Takeshi (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 37-49
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Decomposition of Green polynomials of type A and DeConcini-Procesi-Tanisaki algebras of certain types (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) 森田, 英章; 中島, 達洋 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 50-65
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シューア測度とその類似の極限分布 (表現論における組合せ論的手法とその応用) 松本, 詔 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 66-82
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Nonintersecting Paths, Noncolliding Diffusion Processes and Representation Theory (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) Katori, Makoto; Tanemura, Hideki (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 83-102
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PERSPECTIVES OF ALGEBRAIC GAME THEORY : AN INFORMAL REPORT (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) Kawanaka, Noriaki (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 103-117
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On variation of generating sets of Coxeter groups (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) 縫田, 光司 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 118-130
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On the structure of the party algebra of type $B$ (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) Kosuda, Masashi (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 131-147
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ON THE SEMISIMPLICITY OF BRAUER ALGEBRAS (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) Rui, Hebing (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 148-153
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Polyhedral Realizations of Crystal Bases for Finite Quantum Algebras (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) 星野, 歩 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 154-162
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Perfect Crystals of $U'_p(D^{(3)}_4)$ (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) 山田, 大輔 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 163-174
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PATHS, TABLEAUX, AND $q$-CHARACTERS OF QUANTUM AFFINE ALGEBRAS (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) Nakai, Wakako (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 175-185
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ロビンソン-シェンステッド対応の一般化 (表現論における組合せ論的手法とその応用) 沼田, 泰英 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 186-197
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Symmetric coinvariant algebras and local Weyl modules at a double point (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications) 桑原, 敏郎 (2005-07) 数理解析研究所講究録, 1438: 198-209
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