書誌情報 | ファイル |
哺乳類受精卵における内在性レトロウイルス由来キメラmRNAに関する研究 本多, 慎之介 (2024-05-23) 京都大学
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地域における竹資源量の把握とその有効利用に関する研究 菊川, 裕幸 (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Individual Identification of Japanese Giant Salamanders (Andrias japonicus) and Detection of Their Hybrids by Image Recognition Using Deep Learning Takaya, Kosuke (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Establishment of gene function evaluation system in highbush blueberry(Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Omori, Masafumi (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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豪雨災害対応のための地盤振動データの活用方法に関する研究 筒井, 和男 (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Fungal and bacterial communities associated with Ardisia crenata, an invasive exotic plant native to Japan, analyzed with high-throughput sequencing of DNA Nakamura, Naoto (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Application of satellite remote sensing techniques to detect spatial and temporal patterns of fire and other deforestation drivers in NW Madagascar Joseph, Emile Honour Percival (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Studies on adsorption/desorption behavior of rosin components onto/from cellulosic materials Aruga, Satoshi (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Studies on synthesis and properties of non-natural cellulose (D,L-cellulose) consisting D-glucose and L-glucose Ikegami, Waki (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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イメージングとインフォマティクスの融合による樹木細胞の多元的形態情報解析 喜多, 祐介 (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Above and belowground biomass and net primary productivity in two subtropical mangrove forests in Japan A., T. M. Zinnatul Bassar (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Studies on the bioactivities of lignins from woody biomass Okabe, Yumi (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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「狩猟の場」を巡る制度の形成過程に関する研究 古賀, 達也 (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Development of a method for estimating moisture content in green wood using vibrational properties Fukui, Toshiyuki (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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接着斑細胞膜の脂質組成ならびに生理的意義の解明 立花, 大 (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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ヒト脂質輸送体ABCA1のコレステロール認識機構に関する生化学研究 坂田, 和樹 (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Reinforcing the wet strength of paper by CNFs/refiner-treated pulp and NaOH treatment Liu, Haoyue (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Development of a method for insect genome editing by adult injection Shirai, Yu (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Screening and application of microbial enzymes useful for the synthesis of bioactive S-substituted cysteine compounds Mizutani, Taku (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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Physiological and biochemical studies on microbial 2´-deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis and oxidative pyrimidine metabolism Deguchi, Kengo (2024-03-25) 京都大学
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