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検索結果表示: 42326 - 42345 / 238947 < 前ページ   次ページ >
Functional domains of α catenin required for the strong-state of cadherinbased cell adhesion.
  Imamura, Yuzo (1999-05-24)
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The functional effect of Gly209 and Ile213 substitutions on lysozyme activity of family 19 chitinase encoded by cyanophage Ma-LMM01
  Hosoda, Naohiko; Kurokawa, Yoichi; Sako, Yoshihiko; Nagasaki, Keizo; Yoshida, Takashi; Hiroishi, Shingo (2011-07)
  Fisheries Science, 77(4): 665-670
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Functional effects of distinct innervation styles of pyramidal cells by fast spiking cortical interneurons
  Kubota, Yoshiyuki; Kondo, Satoru; Nomura, Masaki; Hatada, Sayuri; Yamaguchi, Noboru; Mohamed, Alsayed A.; Karube, Fuyuki; Lübke, Joachim; Kawaguchi, Yasuo (2015-07-04)
  eLife, 4
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Functional Electrolytes for Advanced Electrochemical Performance in Sodium and Potassium Secondary Batteries
  YANG, HUAN (2020-11-24)
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Functional engraftment of human peripheral T and B cells and sustained production of autoantibodies in NOD/LtSzscid/IL-2Rγ-/- mice
  Ishikawa, Yuki (2015-01-23)
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Functional equation for the Mordell-Tornheim multiple zeta-function (Analytic Number Theory : Distribution and Approximation of Arithmetic Objects)
  岡本, 卓也; 小野塚, 友一 (2016-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2013: 178-183
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A Functional Equation with the Definite Kernel
  Sato, Tunezo (1936-01-31)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 19(1): 1-9
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Functional Equations and their Treatment in Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  細川, 巌 (1978-03-20)
  物性研究, 29(6): F72-F73
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Functional equations for double series of Euler-Hurwitz-Barnes type with coefficients (Various aspects of multiple zeta values)
  Choie, YoungJu; Matsumoto, Kohji (2017-10)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B68: 91-109
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Functional equations of polylogarithms(Algebraic Number Theory : Recent Developments and Their Backgrounds)
  Gangl, Herbert (1993-06)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 844: 197-205
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Functional equations of Spherical functions on p-adic homogeneous spaces(Automorphic Forms and Automorphic L-Functions)
  Hironaka, Yumiko (2006-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1468: 24-40
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Functional equations with solutions of irregular singular type (Algebraic analytic methods in complex partial differential equations)
  Ouchi, Sunao (2017-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2020: 86-91
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Functional evaluation of bioartificial liver using RT-PCR
  Fujita, S; Ueda, Y; Ko, IK; Paek, HJ; Sajiki, T; Ikai, I; Yamaoka, Y; Ikada, Y; Iwata, H (2005)
Functional evaluation of PDGFB-variants in idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, using patient-derived iPS cells
  Sekine, Shin-ichiro; Kaneko, Masayuki; Tanaka, Masaki; Ninomiya, Yuhei; Kurita, Hisaka; Inden, Masatoshi; Yamada, Megumi; Hayashi, Yuichi; Inuzuka, Takashi; Mitsui, Jun; Ishiura, Hiroyuki; Iwata, Atsushi; Fujigasaki, Hiroto; Tamaki, Hisamitsu; Tamaki, Ryusei; Kito, Shinsuke; Taguchi, Yoshiharu; Tanaka, Kortaro; Atsuta, Naoki; Sobue, Gen; Kondo, Takayuki; Inoue, Haruhisa; Tsuji, Shoji; Hozumi, Isao (2019-04-05)
  Scientific Reports, 9
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Functional evaluation of the pathological significance of MEFV variants using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived macrophages
  Shiba, Takeshi (2020-03-23)
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Functional evaluation outcomes correlate with histomorphometric changes in the rat sciatic nerve crush injury model: A comparison between sciatic functional index and kinematic analysis
  Wang, Tianshu; Ito, Akira; Aoyama, Tomoki; Nakahara, Ryo; Nakahata, Akihiro; Ji, Xiang; Zhang, Jue; Kawai, Hideki; Kuroki, Hiroshi (2018-12-12)
  PLOS ONE, 13(12)
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Functional expression and evaluation of tribological performances on living tissue
  Yamamoto, Koji (2007-01-23)
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Functional extension of atmospheric radar with digital receiver array
  Nishimura, Koji (2006-09-25)
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Functional factorial K-means analysis
  Yamamoto, Michio; Terada, Yoshikazu (2014-11)
  Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 79: 133-148
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Functional group compatible palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions between aryllithium and aryl halide mediated by a five-membered cyclic silyl ether
  Son, EC; Tsuji, H; Saeki, T; Tamao, K (2006)