


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 26.
Remarks on value distributions of general Dirichlet series (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  DUY, Trinh Khanh (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 49-68
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On permutations of lacunary series (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  AISTLEITNER, Christoph; BERKES, Istvan; TICHY, Robert (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 1-25
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Rauzy fractals induced from automorphisms on the free group of rank 2 related to continued fractions (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  EI, Hiromi (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 69-80
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Zeros of zeta functions and zeta distributions on $mathbb{R}^d$ : Dedicated to Professor Makoto Maejima for his retirement (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  AOYAMA, Takahiro; NAKAMURA, Takashi (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 39-48
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Surveying some notions of complexity for finite and infinite sequences (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  ALLOUCHE, Jean-Paul (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 27-37
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An extension of Voronin's functional independence for a general Dirichlet series (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  NAGOSHI, Hirofumi (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 247-264
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Partial Epstein zeta functions on binary linear codes and their functional equations (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  SUZUKI, Kazuyoshi (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 383-396
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The generalized strong recurrence and the Riemann hypothesis (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  NAKAMURA, Takashi (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 265-275
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On the fractional parts of powers of algebraic numbers (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  KANEKO, Hajime (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 127-136
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Sampling the Lindelof hypothesis with an ergodic transformation : Dedicated to Professor Eduard Wirsing at the occasion of his eightieth birthday (Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects)
  STEUDING, Jorn (2012-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B34: 361-381
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