


検索結果表示: 61-70 / 1155.
Decoding the view expectation during learned maze navigation from human fronto-parietal network
  Shikauchi, Yumi; Ishii, Shin (2015-12-03)
  Scientific Reports, 5
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Statistical Timing Modeling Based on a Lognormal Distribution Model for Near-Threshold Circuit Optimization
  SHIOMI, Jun; ISHIHARA, Tohru; ONODERA, Hidetoshi (2015-07-01)
  IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E98.A(7): 1455-1466
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Egocentric direction and position perceptions are dissociable based on only static lane edge information
  Nakashima, Ryoichi; Iwai, Ritsuko; Ueda, Sayako; Kumada, Takatsune (2015-01-01)
  Frontiers in Psychology, 6
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  中尾, 恵; 田浦, 康二朗; 松田, 哲也 (2015-09)
  VR医学会学術大会抄録集(第15回大会), 15(suppl-1): 23-24
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Radiometric compensation for cooperative distributed multi-projection system through 2-DOF distributed control.
  Tsukamoto, Jun; Iwai, Daisuke; Kashima, Kenji (2015-11-15)
  IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 21(11): 1221-1229
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Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation with Norm-Limited Update Vector
  Tanaka, Yosuke; Azuma, Shun-ichi; Sugie, Toshiharu (2015-11)
  Asian Journal of Control, 17(6): 2083-2090
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Identification of continuous-time Hammerstein systems by simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation
  Ahmad, Mohd Ashraf; Azuma, Shun-ichi; Sugie, Toshiharu (2016-01)
  Expert Systems with Applications, 43: 51-58
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Semi-autonomous avatar enabling unconstrained parallel conversations --seamless hybrid of WOZ and autonomous dialogue systems--
  Kawahara, Tatsuya; Muramatsu, Naoyuki; Yamamoto, Kenta; Lala, Divesh; Inoue, Koji (2021)
  Advanced Robotics, 35(11): 657-663
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A Forward/Reverse Body Bias Generator with Wide Supply-Range down to Threshold Voltage
  KAMAE, Norihiro; TSUCHIYA, Akira; ONODERA, Hidetoshi (2015)
  IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E98.C(6): 504-511
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Adaptive Virtual Metrology Design for Semiconductor Dry Etching Process Through Locally Weighted Partial Least Squares
  Hirai, Toshiya; Kano, Manabu (2015-05)
  IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 28(2): 137-144
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