



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 93.
Single-Molecule Visualization of the Activity of a Zn(2+) -Dependent DNAzyme.
  Endo, Masayuki; Takeuchi, Yosuke; Suzuki, Yuki; Emura, Tomoko; Hidaka, Kumi; Wang, Fuan; Willner, Itamar; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2015-07-17)
  Angewandte Chemie: International Edition, 54(36): 10550-10554
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A Synthetic Transcriptional Activator of Genes Associated with the Retina in Human Dermal Fibroblasts.
  Syed, Junetha; Chandran, Anandhakumar; Pandian, Ganesh N; Taniguchi, Junichi; Sato, Shinsuke; Hashiya, Kaori; Kashiwazaki, Gengo; Bando, Toshikazu; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2015-05-28)
  Chembiochem, 16(10): 1497-1501
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Small molecule binding to a G-hairpin and a G-triplex: a new insight into anticancer drug design targeting G-rich regions.
  Rajendran, Arivazhagan; Endo, Masayuki; Hidaka, Kumi; Teulade-Fichou, Marie-Paule; Mergny, Jean-Louis; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2015-04-13)
  Chemical communications, 51(44): 9181-9184
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CGmCGCG is a versatile substrate with which to evaluate Tet protein activity.
  Kizaki, Seiichiro; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2014-01-07)
  Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 12(1): 104-107
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Development of a visible nanothermometer with a highly emissive 2′-O-methylated guanosine analogue
  Yamamoto, Seigi; Park, Soyoung; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2015)
  RSC Advances, 5(126): 104601-104605
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Selective Targeting of the KRAS Codon 12 Mutation Sequence by Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamide seco-CBI Conjugates.
  Taylor, Rhys D; Chandran, Anandhakumar; Kashiwazaki, Gengo; Hashiya, Kaori; Bando, Toshikazu; Nagase, Hiroki; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2015-10-12)
  Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(42): 14996-15003
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Comparative analysis of DNA alkylation by conjugates between pyrrole-imidazole hairpin polyamides and chlorambucil or seco-CBI.
  Minoshima, Masafumi; Bando, Toshikazu; Shinohara, Ken-Ichi; Kashiwazaki, Gengo; Nishijima, Shigeki; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2010-02-01)
  Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 18(3): 1236-1243
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Rational design of specific binding hairpin Py-Im polyamides targeting human telomere sequences.
  Guo, Chuanxin; Kawamoto, Yusuke; Asamitsu, Sefan; Sawatani, Yoshito; Hashiya, Kaori; Bando, Toshikazu; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2015-02-15)
  Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 23(4): 855-860
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Design of a new fluorescent probe: Pyrrole/imidazole hairpin polyamides with pyrene conjugation at their γ-turn.
  Vaijayanthi, Thangavel; Bando, Toshikazu; Hashiya, Kaori; Pandian, Ganesh N; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2013-02-15)
  Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 21(4): 852-855
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Photoreactivities of 5-Bromouracil-containing RNAs.
  Morinaga, Hironobu; Kizaki, Seiichiro; Takenaka, Tomohiro; Kanesato, Shuhei; Sannohe, Yuta; Tashiro, Ryu; Sugiyama, Hiroshi (2013-01-15)
  Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 21(2): 466-469
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