


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 82.
Consecutive ruptures on a complex conjugate fault system during the 2018 Gulf of Alaska earthquake
  Yamashita, Shinji; Yagi, Yuji; Okuwaki, Ryo; Shimizu, Kousuke; Agata, Ryoichiro; Fukahata, Yukitoshi (2021-03-16)
  Scientific Reports, 11
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  山野井, 一輝; 藤田, 正治; 鈴木, 豪太 (2021)
  土木学会論文集B1 (水工学), 77(2): I_481-I_486
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Short-term interaction between silent and devastating earthquakes in Mexico
  Cruz-Atienza, V. M.; Tago, J.; Villafuerte, C.; Wei, M.; Garza-Girón, R.; Dominguez, L. A.; Kostoglodov, V.; Nishimura, T.; Franco, S. I.; Real, J.; Santoyo, M. A.; Ito, Y.; Kazachkina, E. (2021)
  Nature Communications, 12
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Natural Variability and Warming Signals in Global Ocean Wave Climates
  Odériz, I.; Silva, R.; Mortlock, T. R.; Mori, N.; Shimura, T.; Webb, A.; Padilla‐Hernández, R.; Villers, S. (2021-06)
  Geophysical Research Letters, 48(11)
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Preparatory acoustic emission activity of hydraulic fracture in granite with various viscous fluids revealed by deep learning technique
  Tanaka, Rui; Naoi, Makoto; Chen, Youqing; Yamamoto, Kazune; Imakita, Keiichi; Tsutsumi, Naofumi; Shimoda, Akihiro; Hiramatsu, Daiki; Kawakata, Hironori; Ishida, Tsuyoshi; Fukuyama, Eiichi; Tanaka, Hiroyuki; Arima, Yutaro; Kitamura, Shigehiro; Hyodo, Daisuke (2021-07)
  Geophysical Journal International, 226(1): 493-510
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Method to extract difficult-to-evacuate areas by using tsunami evacuation simulation and numerical analysis
  Ito, Eri; Kosaka, Takato; Hatayama, Michinori; Urra, Luisa; Mas, Erick; Koshimura, Shunichi (2021-10)
  International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 64
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Education for Disaster Risk Reduction in Hyogo to Be Handed Down Through Generations
  Kawata, Yasuhito; Takenouchi, Kensuke; Yamori, Katsuya (2021)
  Journal of Disaster Research, 16(2): 244-249
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The Extended Integrated Particle Filter Method (IPFx) as a High-Performance Earthquake Early Warning System
  Yamada, Masumi; Tamaribuchi, Koji; Wu, Stephen (2021-06)
  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111(3): 1263-1272
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EFSO at different geographical locations verified with observing-system experiments
  Yamazaki, Akira; Miyoshi, Takemasa; Inoue, Jun; Enomoto, Takeshi; Komori, Nobumasa (2021-08)
  Weather and Forecasting, 36(4): 1219-1236
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  渡部, 哲史; 内海, 信幸; 北野, 利一; 中北, 英一 (2021)
  土木学会論文集B1 (水工学), 77(2): I_1279-I_1284
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