



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 40.
Gas- and solid/liquid-phase reactions during pyrolysis of softwood and hardwood lignins
  Asmadi, Mohd; Kawamoto, Haruo; Saka, Shiro (2011-11)
  Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 92(2): 417-425
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Fabrication of TiAl3 coating on TiAl-based alloy by Al electrodeposition from dimethylsulfone bath and subsequent annealing
  Miyake, Masao; Tajikara, Seiya; Hirato, Tetsuji (2011-08)
  Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(21-22): 5141-5146
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Kinetic behavior of liquefaction of Japanese beech in subcritical phenol.
  Mishra, Gaurav; Saka, Shiro (2011-12)
  Bioresource technology, 102(23): 10946-10950
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Thermal reactivities of catechols/pyrogallols and cresols/xylenols as lignin pyrolysis intermediates
  Asmadi, Mohd; Kawamoto, Haruo; Saka, Shiro (2011-09)
  Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 92(1): 76-87
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Effect of acetic acid addition on chemical conversion of woods as treated by semi-flow hot-compressed water
  Phaiboonsilpa, Natthanon; Saka, Shiro (2011-02)
  Holzforschung, 65(5): 667-672
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Quantitative method applicable for various biomass species to determine their chemical composition
  Rabemanolontsoa, Harifara; Ayada, Sumiko; Saka, Shiro (2011-11)
  Biomass and Bioenergy, 35(11): 4630-4635
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Soft X-Ray CT Imaging of a Low-Aspect-Ratio Toroidal Plasma Maintained Solely by Electron Cyclotron Heating
  Tanaka, Hitoshi; Takeuchi, Tetsuro; Uchida, Masaki; Maekawa, Takashi (2011-11)
  IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39(11): 2480-2481
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Biaxial Fatigue Life Predicted by Crack Growth Analysis in Various Material Microstructures Modeled by Voronoi-Polygons
  Hoshide, Toshihiko (2011-12)
  Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 20(9): 1497-1504
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Two-step hydrolysis of nipa (Nypa fruticans) frond as treated by semi-flow hot-compressed water
  Phaiboonsilpa, Natthanon; Tamunaidu, Pramila; Saka, Shiro (2011-02)
  Holzforschung, 65(5): 659-666
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Wave-Number Spectral Characteristics of Drift Wave Micro-Turbulence with Large-Scale Structures
  Li, Jiquan (2011-06)
  Plasma Science and Technology, 13(3): 297-301
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