List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 40
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ICR ANNUAL REPORT 2000(Volume 7) (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7
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Front cover: Historical remarks to the Institute for Chemical Research (ICR) (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7
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The Effect of Crystal Dispersion on the X-ray Emission Spectrum Observed using Double Crystal Spectrometer (STATES AND STRUCTURES-Atomic and Molecular Physics) Tochio, Tatsunori; Ito, Yoshiaki; Omote, Kazuhiko (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 4-5
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Branching Ratio and L2+L3 Intensities of 3d-Transition Metals in Phthalocyanines and the Amine Complexes (STATES AND STRUCTURES-Crystal Information Analysis) Koshino, Masanori; Kurata, Hideki; Isoda, Seiji; Kobayashi, Takashi (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 6-7
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High-Resolution Observation of Crystal Transformation in Isotactic Polybutene-1 Single Crystals (STATES AND STRUCTURES-Polymer Condensed States) Tosaka, Masatoshi; Kamijo, Takashi; Tsuji, Masaki; Kohjiya, Shinzo (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 8-9
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Dynamics of Supercritical Water (INTERFACE SCIENCE-Solutions and Interfaces) Matubayasi, Nobuyuki; Nakao, Naoko; Nakahara, Masaru (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 10-11
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Electron Injection to Unoccupied Electronic States in Organic Semiconductor Thin Films Studied by Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy (INTERFACE SCIENCE-Molecular Aggregates) Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Tsutsumi, Kiyohiko; Sato, Naoki (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 12-13
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Dissolved Trace Elements in Lake Biwa (INTERFACE SCIENCE-Hydrospheric Environment Analysis) Mito, Saeko; Matsui, Masakazu; Sohrin, Yoshiki; Hasegawa, Hiroshi; Kawashima, Munetsugu (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 14-15
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Magnetic Vortex Core Observation in Circular Dots of Permalloy (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Artificial Lattice Allolys) Okuno, Takuya; Hassdorf, Ralf; Shigeto, Kunji; Ono, Teruo; Shinjo, Teruya (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 16-17
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Crystal Transformation between Sheared and Layered Phases in Bi-2201 (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Quantam Spin Fluids) Ikeda, Yasunori; Niinae, Toshinobu (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 18-18
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Effect of Crystal Structure on the Competitive Relation between the Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in La1.875Ba0.125-xSrxCuO4 (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Quantam Spin Fluids) Goka, Hideto; Fujita, Masaki; Kubo, Takuyuu; Yamada, Kazuyoshi (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 19-19
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Antiferromagnetism of S=1/2 Triangles in La4Cu3MoO12 (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Multicomponent Materials) Azuma, Masaki; Ishiwata, Shintaro; Takano, Mikio (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 20-21
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The Structure of Soda-Lime-Silicate Glass and Melt by X-ray Diffraction Method (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Amorphous Materials) Jin, Jisun; Takahashi, Masahide; Uchino, Takashi; Yoko, Toshinobu (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 22-23
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Viscoelasticity and Morphology of Soft Polycarbonate as a Substitute for Poly(vinyl chloride) (FUNDAMENTAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES-Molecular Rheology) Inoue, Tadashi; Watanabe, Hiroshi; Osaki, Kunihiro (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 24-25
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Dynamic Heterogeneity of Amorphous Polymers below and above Tg (FUNDAMENTAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES-Polymer Materials Science) Kanaya, Toshiji; Kaji, Keisuke (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 26-27
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One- and Two-Dimensional CP/MAS 13C NMR Analyses of Dynamics in Poly(2-hydroxypropyl ether of bisphenol-A) (FUNDAMENTAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES-Molecular Dynamic Characterisitics) Kaji, Hironori; Tai, Toshihiro; Horii, Fumitaka (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 28-29
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Mechanism and Kinetics of RAFT-Based Living Radical Polymerizations of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate (ORGANIC MATERIALS CHEMISTRY-Polymeric Materials) Goto, Atsushi; Sato, Koichi; Tsujii, Yoshinobu; Fukuda, Takeshi (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 30-31
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Novel π-Conjugated Systems: The First Silatropylium Ion and Planar Cyclooctatetraene Annelated with Bicyclic Frameworks and New Derivatives of Fullerene C60 (ORGANIC MATERIALS CHEMISTRY-High-Pressure Organic Chemistry) Komatsu, Koichi; Nishinaga, Tohru; Murata, Yasujiro; Matsuura, Akira; Izukawa, Yoshiteru; Kato, Noriyuki (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 32-33
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Stereoselective Formation of Cyclopropylsilane through Intramolecular Rearrangement of [(Allyloxy)dimesitylsilyl]lithiums (SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY-Synthetic Design) Kawachi, Atsushi; Maeda, Hirofumi; Tamao, Kohei (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 34-35
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A Chiral Nonracemic Enolate with Dynamic Axial Chirality: Direct Asymmetric Alkylation of α-Amino Acid Derivatives (SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY-Fine Organic Synthesis) Kawabata, Takeo; Suzuki, Hideo; Nagae, Yoshikazu; Chen, Jianyong; Fuji, Kaoru (2001-03) ICR Annual Report, 7: 36-37
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 40