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タイトル: <実践報告> 研究大学の小部局における効率的・効果的なFD 活動の実践 - 教員同士による5 分間相互コンサルテーション
その他のタイトル: <Reports> Effective and Efficient Faculty Development Practices in a Small Department at a Research University: Five-Minute Faculty Peer Consultations
著者: 中島, 平  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nakajima, Taira
キーワード: ファカルティ・ディベロップメント
faculty development
research university
small department
peer consultation
発行日: 1-Dec-2009
出版者: 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター
誌名: 京都大学高等教育研究
巻: 15
開始ページ: 59
終了ページ: 66
抄録: This paper introduces a faculty development practice in a small department in a research university. All of the faculty members in the department gather once a month at a regular staff meeting. In the staff meeting, each member takes five minutes to discuss one topic about some difficulty in their university research life. The shared goal of the discussion is "Finding smart ways of effective and efficient teaching to make a better research environment." The discussed topic is mainly chosen from difficulties in student teaching, but other topics that obstruct the research environment can also be chosen. After the meeting, the discussion results are shared on the Web. As a faculty developer, the author proposes that the five-minute discussion period be used for faculty members to think more about their students. This faculty development practice began in July 2007, and done 22 continuous times until July 2009. The author reports how to design the faculty development, and then describes how to practice it. Also reported are some brief evaluations of the practice.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/97914


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