



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 18.
測地距離空間における写像の凸結合と共通不動点近似 (非線形解析学と凸解析学の研究)
  木村, 泰紀 (2021-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2190: 151-158
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An improvement of the coefficient condition for a convergence theorem in a complete geodesic space (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  日高, 雄太; 木村, 泰紀 (2021-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2194: 13-17
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Equilibrium problems and the proximal point algorithm on a complete geodesic space (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  木村, 泰紀 (2021-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2194: 68-76
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Uniform convexity on a complete geodesic space (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  木村, 泰紀; 須藤, 秀太 (2021-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2194: 143-151
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Convergence theorems of Picard-Mann iteration for generalized nonexpansive mappings on a geodesic space (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  木村, 泰紀; 鳥居, 翔 (2021-08)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2194: 132-142
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Comparison of convergence theorems for a complete geodesic space (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  木村, 泰紀 (2023-01)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2240: 122-128
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An approximation theorem to a solution to an equilibrium problem in complete CAT(1) spaces (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  木村, 泰紀; 大口, 智輝 (2023-01)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2240: 97-103
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三角形の頂点や辺からの距離の冪乗の和について (非線形解析学と凸解析学の研究)
  木村, 泰紀; 佐藤, 健治 (2023-01)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2240: 129-133
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Tangent spaces and a metric on geodesic spaces (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  木村, 泰紀; 須藤, 秀太 (2023-01)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2240: 7-19
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Approximation of a solution to equilibrium problems in geodesic spaces using projection methods (Study on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
  板垣, 陽士; 木村, 泰紀 (2023-01)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2240: 104-112
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