


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 168.
  田中 寛樹, 鳥生 大祐, 牛島 省 (2019)
  土木学会論文集A2 (応用力学), 75(2): I_269-I_276
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Improving Hough Based Pedestrian Detection Accuracy by Using Segmentation and Pose Subspaces
  VANSTEENBERGE, Jarich; MUKUNOKI, Masayuki; MINOH, Michihiko (2014-10-01)
  IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E97.D(10): 2760-2768
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MHD近似限界に迫る地球磁気圏MHDシミュレーション (特集 HPCIを利用した研究成果)
  深沢, 圭一郎 (2016-08)
  Cybermedia HPC journal, 6: 13-16
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Improvement of Hierarchical Matrices with Adaptive Cross Approximation for Large-scale Simulation
  Ida, Akihiro; Iwashita, Takeshi; Ohtani, Makiko; Hirahara, Kazuro (2015)
  Journal of Information Processing, 23(3): 366-372
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倫倫姫アップデート2015: 学認連携Moodleの利用拡大と運用の改善
  上田, 浩; 中村, 素典 (2015-12-02)
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Reverberant speech recognition combining deep neural networks and deep autoencoders augmented with a phone-class feature
  Mimura, Masato; Sakai, Shinsuke; Kawahara, Tatsuya (2015-07-23)
  EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2015(1)
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Office365 Education のサービス品質保証契約に関する一考察
  上田, 浩 (2014-02)
  電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(TECHNICAL REPORT OF IEICE), 113(442): 115-120
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鉛直噴流による礫粒子群輸送と saltation-collapse 平衡の数値解析
  牛島, 省; 鳥生, 大祐; 柳, 博文; 田中, 寛樹 (2019)
  土木学会論文集A2 (応用力学), 75(2): I_289-I_300
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eBook Technology Facilitating University Education During COVID-19: Japanese Experience
  Majumdar, Rwitajit; Flanagan, Brendan; Ogata, Hiroaki (2021-09-20)
  Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 47(4)
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A framework to foster analysis skill for self-directed activities in data-rich environment
  Yang, Yuanyuan; Majumdar, Rwitajit; Li, Huiyong; Akçapinar, Gökhan; Flanagan, Brendan; Ogata, Hiroaki (2021)
  Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 16
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