


検索結果表示: 131-140 / 140.
Lefschetz fibrations with small slope
  Monden, Naoyuki (2013-12-22)
  Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 267(1): 243-256
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Generalized skew bisubmodularity: A characterization and a min–max theorem
  Fujishige, Satoru; Tanigawa, Shin-ichi; Yoshida, Yuichi (2014-05)
  Discrete Optimization, 12: 1-9
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Bisubmodular polyhedra, simplicial divisions, and discrete convexity
  Fujishige, Satoru (2014-05)
  Discrete Optimization, 12: 115-120
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A note on submodular function minimization by Chubanov’s LP algorithm
  Fujishige, Satoru (2019-8)
  Discrete Optimization, 33: 140-145
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Bacterial spinning top
  Ishimoto, Kenta (2019-12-10)
  Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 880: 620-652
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Two disjoint shortest paths problem with non-negative edge length
  Kobayashi, Yusuke; Sako, Ryo (2019-1)
  Operations Research Letters, 47(1): 66-69
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Greedy systems of linear inequalities and lexicographically optimal solutions
  Fujishige, Satoru (2019-11)
  RAIRO - Operations Research, 53(5): 1929-1935
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NP-hardness and fixed-parameter tractability of the minimum spanner problem
  Kobayashi, Yusuke (2018-10-25)
  Theoretical Computer Science, 746: 88-97
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The circulation pattern and day-night heat transport in the atmosphere of a synchronously rotating aquaplanet: Dependence on planetary rotation rate
  Noda, S.; Ishiwatari, M.; Nakajima, K.; Takahashi, Y.O.; Takehiro, S.; Onishi, M.; Hashimoto, G.L.; Kuramoto, K.; Hayashi, Y.-Y. (2017-01-15)
  Icarus, 282: 1-18
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The automorphism groups of enriques surfaces covered by symmetric quartic surfaces
  Mukai, Shigeru; Ohashi, Hisanori (2015)
  Recent Advances in Algebraic Geometry (2015): 307-320
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