


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 401.
Two-dimensional nonlinear nonequilibrium kinetic theory under steady heat conduction
  Kim, Hyeon-Deuk (2005-04)
  Physical Review E, 71(4)
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Semiquantal Valence-Bond Wave Packet Description of Chemical Bonding
  Ando, Koji (2009)
  Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 82(8): 975-983
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Symmetric band structures and asymmetric ultrafast electron and hole relaxations in silicon and germanium quantum dots: time-domain ab initio simulation.
  Kim, Hyeon-Deuk; Madrid, Angeline B; Prezhdo, Oleg V (2009-12-07)
  Dalton transactions, 45: 10069-10077
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Epitaxial growth of Bi thin films on Ge(1 1 1)
  Hatta, Shinichiro; Ohtsubo, Yoshiyuki; Miyamoto, Sanae; Okuyama, Hiroshi; Aruga, Tetsuya (2009-11-30)
  Applied Surface Science, 256(4): 1252-1256
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Geotail observations of plasma sheet ion composition over 16 years: On variations of average plasma ion mass and O+ triggering substorm model
  Nosé, Masahito; Ieda, A.; Christon, S. P. (2009)
  Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 114(7)
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Test of Information Theory on the Boltzmann Equation
  Kim, Hyeon-Deuk; Hayakawa, Hisao (2003-10)
  Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 72(10): 2473-2476
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Palladium-catalysed arylative cyclisation of N-allylacetamides with aryl halides yielding benzyl-substituted oxazolines
  Fujino, Daishi; Hayashi, Sayuri; Yorimitsu, Hideki; Oshima, Koichiro (2009)
  Chemical Communications, 2009(38): 5754-5756
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Pleiotrophic functions of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) and oriP differentially contribute to the efficiency of transfection/expression of exogenous gene in mammalian cells
  Kishida, Tsunao; Asada, Hidetsugu; Kubo, Koji; Sato, Yuko T.; Shin-Ya, Masaharu; Imanishi, Jiro; Yoshikawa, Kenichi; Mazda, Osam (2008-01)
  Journal of Biotechnology, 133(2): 201-207
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Spontaneous Generation of Giant Liposomes from an Oil/Water Interface
  Yamada, Ayako; Le Berre, Maël; Yoshikawa, Kenichi; Baigl, Damien (2007-10)
  Chembiochem, 8(18): 2215-2218
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Real-time imaging of the somite segmentation clock: Revelation of unstable oscillators in the individual presomitic mesoderm cells
  Masamizu, Yoshito; Ohtsuka, Toshiyuki; Takashima, Yoshiki; Nagahara, Hiroki; Takenaka, Yoshiko; Yoshikawa, Kenichi; Okamura, Hitoshi; Kageyama, Ryoichiro (2006-01)
  PNAS : proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(5): 1313-1318
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