
2061 有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺   16

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 16 / 16
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061
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Maximal rigid objects in an orbit category arising from a tube (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  古谷, 貴彦; 山内, 雅司 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 1-7
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あるsplit metacyclic群の整係数群環のホッホシルトコホモロジー環について (有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺)
  速水, 孝夫 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 8-19
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RELATIONS AMONG SPLITTINGS OF COHOMOLOGIES OF $p$-GROUPS WITH RANK 2 (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  Hida, Akihiko; Yagita, Nobuaki (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 20-31
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自己移入的Koszul多元環に対する有限条件(Fg) (有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺)
  板場, 綾子 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 32-38
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On the cycle map of a finite group (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  亀子, 正喜 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 39-47
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群整環上の表現加群のヴァーテックスについて (有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺)
  河田, 成人 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 48-55
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原田予想IIとそのブロック細分 (有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺)
  清田, 正夫 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 56-60
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Simple modules in the stable Auslander-Reiten quivers for finite group algebras (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  越谷, 重夫 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 61-64
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Two-sided tilting complexes and pointings for Brauer tree algebras (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  小境, 雄太 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 65-74
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有限コクセター群の部分バーンサイド環の符号単元 (有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺)
  森田, 一輝 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 75-80
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交代群の部分バーンサイド環の単元群 (有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺)
  小田, 文仁 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 81-92
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On centers of blocks of finite groups (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  音喜多, 純拓 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 93-97
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CENTRAL ELEMENTS OF THE JENNINGS BASIS AND CERTAIN MORITA INVARIANTS (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  Sakurai, Taro (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 98-105
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Source algebras and cohomology rings of blocks with extraspecial defect groups (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  佐々木, 洋城 (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 106-119
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On the low dimensional cohomology groups of the IA-automorphism group of the free group of rank three (Cohomology theory of finite groups and related topics)
  Satoh, Takao (2018-04)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 2061: 120-125
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 16 / 16