文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 24
書誌情報 | ファイル |
Debt Overhang and Lack of Lender's Commitment KOBAYASHI, KEIICHIRO; NAKAJIMA, TOMOYUKI; TAKAHASHI, SHUHEI (2023-12) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 55(8): 2153-2185 | |
Signaling under Double‐Crossing Preferences Chen, Chia-Hui; Ishida, Junichiro; Suen, Wing (2022-05) Econometrica, 90(3): 1225-1260 | |
Credit default swaps and market information Osano, Hiroshi (2020-03) Journal of Financial Markets, 48 | |
Hopf Bifurcation and the Existence and Stability of Closed Orbits in Three-Sector Models of Optimal Endogenous Growth Nishimura, Kazuo; Shigoka, Tadashi (2019-09-25) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 23(4) | |
COLLATERAL CONSTRAINTS AND THE CURRENT ACCOUNT: THEORY AND EVIDENCE Kunieda, Takuma; Okada, Keisuke; Shibata, Akihisa (2016-01) Economic Inquiry, 54(1): 633-651 | |
Multimarket contact under demand fluctuations Sekiguchi, Tadashi (2015-11) International Journal of Game Theory, 44(4): 1033-1048 | |
Investment timing decisions of managers under endogenous contracts Hori, Keiichi; Osano, Hiroshi (2014-12) Journal of Corporate Finance, 29: 607-627 | |
Credit Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Instability Kunieda, Takuma; Shibata, Akihisa (2014-12) Pacific Economic Review, 19(5): 592-611 | |
Managerial Incentives and the Role of Advisors in the Continuous-Time Agency Model Hori, K.; Osano, H. (2013-09-10) Review of Financial Studies, 26(10): 2620-2647 | |
Trade structure and belief-driven fluctuations in a global economy Hu, Yunfang; Mino, Kazuo (2013-07) Journal of International Economics, 90(2): 414-424 | |
Dynamic voluntary advertising and vertical product quality Tenryu, Yohei; Kamei, Keita (2013-03-04) Economics Bulletin, 33(1): 564-574 | |
Cyclical growth in a Goodwin–Kalecki–Marx model Sasaki, Hiroaki (2013-03) Journal of Economics, 108(2): 145-171 | |
Nonrecourse financing and securitization Kobayashi, Mami; Osano, Hiroshi (2012-10) Journal of Financial Intermediation, 21(4): 659-693 | |
A characterization of a limit solution for finite horizon bargaining problems Imai, Haruo; Salonen, Hannu (2012-08) International Journal of Game Theory, 41(3): 603-622 | |
Moment Restriction-Based Econometric Methods: An overview Kunitomo, Naoto; McAleer, Michael; Nishiyama, Yoshihiko (2011-11) Journal of Econometrics, 165(1): 1-4 | |
A consistent nonparametric test for nonlinear causality—Specification in time series regression Nishiyama, Yoshihiko; Hitomi, Kohtaro; Kawasaki, Yoshinori; Jeong, Kiho (2011-11) Journal of Econometrics, 165(1): 112-127 | |
Instrumental variable estimation in the presence of many moment conditions Okui, Ryo (2011-11) Journal of Econometrics, 165(1): 70-86 | |
A dynamic two country Heckscher–Ohlin model with non-homothetic preferences Bond, Eric W.; Iwasa, Kazumichi; Nishimura, Kazuo (2011-09) Economic Theory, 48(1): 171-204 | |
Multiple equilibria in two-sector monetary economies: An interplay between preferences and the timing for money Bosi, Stefano; Nishimura, Kazuo; Venditti, Alain (2010-11-20) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 46(6): 997-1014 | |
Collusive Behavior of Bidders in English Auctions: A Cooperative Game Theoretic Analysis Oishi, Takayuki (2010-04-12) The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 10(1) |
文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 24