


検索結果表示: 4651-4660 / 4766.
現代ベトナムにおける「逆相関関係」の存在とその要因 : メコンデルタ農業における経営規模の拡大と雇用
  高橋, 塁 (2006-09-30)
  東南アジア研究, 44(2): 223-249
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Physical and Economic Change in Bangkok, 1851-1925
  Ouyyanont, Porphant (1999-03)
  東南アジア研究, 36(4): 437-474
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A review of dynamic changes in complementarities and transition pathways toward distributed energy resource-based electrical system
  Wang, Yi-Yang; Mori, Akihisa (2024-10)
  Renewable Energy Focus, 51
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Denoising approach with deep learning-based reconstruction for neuromelanin-sensitive MRI: image quality and diagnostic performance
  Oshima, Sonoko; Fushimi, Yasutaka; Miyake, Kanae Kawai; Nakajima, Satoshi; Sakata, Akihiko; Okuchi, Sachi; Hinoda, Takuya; Otani, Sayo; Numamoto, Hitomi; Fujimoto, Koji; Shima, Atsushi; Nambu, Masahito; Sawamoto, Nobukatsu; Takahashi, Ryosuke; Ueno, Kentaro; Saga, Tsuneo; Nakamoto, Yuji (2023-11)
  Japanese Journal of Radiology, 41(11): 1216-1225
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[翻訳] ヨルダネス『ゲティカ』翻訳 (1)
  加納, 修; 小坂, 俊介; 村田, 光司 (2022-12-21)
  東方キリスト教世界研究, 6: 3-57
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Understanding Changes in Land and Forest Resource Management Systems: Ratanakiri, Cambodia(<Special Issue>Land Use Changes in the Uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and Distant Causes)
  FOX, Jefferson; VOGLER, John B.; POFFENBERGER, Mark (2009-12-31)
  東南アジア研究, 47(3): 309-329
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スロー地震と海溝型巨大地震の関係はどこまで明らかになり、今後、何を明らかにすべきか? : 南海トラフ巨大地震災害の軽減を目指して
  西川, 友章 (2023-05)
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IIIF[トリプルアイエフ]で拓くデジタルアーカイブ: コンテンツの可能性を世界につなぐ
  大向, 一輝; 永崎, 研宣; 西岡, 千文; 橋本, 雄太; 吉賀, 夏子; 本間, 淳; 鈴木, 親彦; 三原, 鉄也; 高橋, 洋成; 人文情報学研究所[監修] (2024-07-31)
  文学通信: [1]-235
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  籠, 碧 (2016-01)
  研究報告, 29: 85-104
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Evaluating the attitudes of Japanese society towards the hydrogen economy: A comparative study of recent and past community surveys
  Yap, Jiazhen; McLellan, Benjamin (2024-02-07)
  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 54: 66-83