


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 28.
Quantum statistical mechanics in infinitely extended systems : C^* algebraic approach(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Tasaki, Shuichi; Ajisaka, Shigeru; Barra, Felipe (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 483-546
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Anomalous behavior of singularities of solution on stable and/or unstable manifolds(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Takahashi, Kin'ya (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 477-482
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Weighted Detailed Balance and Local KMS Condition for Non-Equilibrium Stationary States : Dedicated to the memory of Shuichi Tasaki(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Accardi, L.; Fagnola, F.; Quezada, R. (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 318-356
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Gaussian, exponential and power-law decays and their time ranges : An analysis based on the Friedrichs model(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Nakazato, Hiromichi (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 450-455
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Universal Characteristics of Time-irreversibility in Quantum Normal Diffusion(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  物性研究, 97(3): 560-584
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高次元力学系における輸送現象の理解の広がり : 法双曲不変多様体、安定多様体、不安定多様体とその崩壊(<特集>非平衡統計物理学の展望-田崎秀一さんを偲んで-)
  寺本, 央; 戸田, 幹人; 小松崎, 民樹 (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 547-559
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The quantum Bernoulli map(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Ordonez, Gonzalo; Boretz, Yingyue (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 456-476
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Time's Arrow Viewed from Chaos : Late Prof. Tasaki's book on foundation of statistical physics(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Toda, Mikito (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 307-308
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To the memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Hida, Takeyuki (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 284-285
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On the general property of correlation(Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki-)
  Kimura, Gen; Tasaki, Shuichi (2011-12-05)
  物性研究, 97(3): 421-428
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