
学術雑誌掲載論文等   68

文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 68
Optimal policy against distortions caused by monopolistic competition and variable markup pricing
  Tadokoro, Atsushi (2024-04)
  Economics Letters, 237
Sparse Bayesian Inference on Gamma-Distributed Observations Using Shape-Scale Inverse-Gamma Mixtures
  Hamura, Yasuyuki; Onizuka, Takahiro; Hashimoto, Shintaro; Sugasawa, Shonosuke (2024-03)
  Bayesian Analysis, 19(1): 77-97
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Planned Happenstance and Entrepreneurship Development: The Case of Japanese Undergraduate Students
  Hosomi, Masaki; Khalid, Saddam; Sekiguchi, Tomoki (2024-02)
  Administrative Sciences, 14(2)
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Robustness of a truncated estimator for the smaller of two ordered means
  Hamura, Yasuyuki; Kubokawa, Tatsuya (2023-12)
  Statistical Papers, 64(6): 2225-2244
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Territorial Tax Reform and Profit Shifting by US and Japanese Multinationals
  Hasegawa, Makoto (2023-12)
  National Tax Journal, 76(4): 771-804
On Data Augmentation for Models Involving Reciprocal Gamma Functions
  Hamura, Yasuyuki; Irie, Kaoru; Sugasawa, Shonosuke (2023-07)
  Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32(3): 908-916
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Why do people oppose foreign acquisitions? Evidence from Japanese individual-level data
  Ito, Banri; Tanaka, Ayumu; Jinji, Naoto (2023-06)
  Japan and the World Economy, 66
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Heterogeneous Impact of the Minimum Wage: Implications for Changes in Between- and Within-Group Inequality
  Oka, Tatsushi; Yamada, Ken (2023-01)
  Journal of Human Resources, 58(1): 335-362
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Is Bilingual Education Desirable in Multilingual countries?
  Yuki, Kazuhiro (2022-10)
  The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 22(4): 889-949
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Log-regularly varying scale mixture of normals for robust regression
  Hamura, Yasuyuki; Irie, Kaoru; Sugasawa, Shonosuke (2022-09)
  Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 173
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Menu Mechanisms
  Mackenzie, Andrew; Zhou, Yu (2022-09)
  Journal of Economic Theory, 204
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A new approach to detecting change in credit quality
  Kevkhishvili, Rusudan (2022-06)
  Journal of Risk, 24(5): 51-73
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A characterization of the Vickrey rule in slot allocation problems
  Zhou, Yu; Chun, Youngsub; Serizawa, Shigehiro (2022-03)
  International Journal of Economic Theory, 18(1): 38-49
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Western Merchants and the Meiji Transition: John Henry Duus at Treaty Port Hakodate (Part Two 1868-89)
  Ivings, Steven (2022)
  Shashi: the Journal of Japanese Business and Company History, 7(1): 3-20
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Modernization, social identity, and ethnic conflict
  Yuki, Kazuhiro (2021-11)
  European Economic Review, 140
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How supervisors respond to employee voice: an experimental study in China and Japan
  Yang, Yunyue; Li, Jie; Sekiguchi, Tomoki (2021-02)
  Asian Business & Management, 20: 1-31
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Western Merchants and Intra-Asian Trade: John Henry Duus at Treaty Port Hakodate (Part One 1861-68)
  Ivings, Steven (2021)
  Shashi: the Journal of Japanese Business and Company History, 6(1): 9-21
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Needs and prospects for public sector accounting reform: The Japanese experience
  Fujii, Hideki (2020-10-28)
  : 1-16
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会計の科学性と社会的役割 --アートと科学の狭間で--
  藤井, 秀樹 (2020-10-28)
  : 1-15
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Is growth declining in the service economy?
  Sasaki, Hiroaki (2020-06)
  Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 53: 26-38
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文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 68