書誌情報 | ファイル |
表紙・目次 (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100
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ON $p$-ADIC FAMILIES OF THE $D$-TH SAITO-KUROKAWA LIFTS (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Makiyama, Kenji (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 1-13
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ON LINEAR RELATIONS BETWEEN L-VALUES AND ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Su, Ren-He (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 14-20
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Diophantine Frobenius problems from semigroup's series and identities for zeta functions (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Komatsu, Takao (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 21-34
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HECKE-SIEGEL TYPE THRESHOLD FOR SQUARE-FREE FOURIER COEFFICIENTS : AN IMPROVEMENT (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Anamby, Pramath; Das, Soumya (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 35-42
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THETA SERIES CONSTRUCTED FROM INVARIANT $E_{8}$-HARMONIC POLYNOMIALS (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) 森山, 知則 (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 43-51
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Differential operators on modular forms (mod $p$) (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Ghitza, Alexandru (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 52-64
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On mixed weight Hilbert modular forms and their structure theorem (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) 青木, 宏樹 (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 65-79
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REDUCED UNIT GROUPS IN TOTALLY DEFINITE QUATERNION ALGEBRAS OVER REAL QUADRATIC FIELDS (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Li, Qun; Xue, Jiangwei; Yu, Chia-Fu (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 80-93
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$textrm{GL}_{2}$上のASAI表現に付随するEPSILON因子について (保型形式の解析的・数論的研究) 石川, 勲 (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 94-108
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NEWFORMS OF HALF-INTEGRAL WEIGHT (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Purkait, Soma (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 109-120
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Spherical functions on the space of $p$-adic quaternion hermitian matrices (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Hironaka, Yumiko (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 121-133
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ARITHMETIC DEGREES OF SPECIAL CYCLES AND DERIVATIVES OF SIEGEL EISENSTEIN SERIES (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Bruinier, Jan Hendrik (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 134-140
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ON THE GROSS-KEATING INVARIANTS OF A HERMITIAN FORM OVER A NON-ARCHIMEDEAN LOCAL FIELD (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Ikeda, Tamotsu; Katsurada, Hidenori (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 141-150
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Hyperbolic Eisenstein Series on $n$-dimensional Hyperbolic Spaces (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Irie, Yosuke (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 151-164
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On the computation of ramified Siegel series of degree 3 (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Gunji, Keiichi (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 165-178
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An explicit construction of non-tempered cusp forms on $O(1,8n+1)$ (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Li, Yingkun; Narita, Hiro-aki; Pitale, Ameya (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 179-186
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Paramodularity (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Poor, Cris (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 187-201
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Siegel modular forms of middle parahoric subgroups and Ihara lift (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) 伊吹山, 知義 (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 202-213
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Arithmetic properties of vector-valued Siegel modular forms (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms) Böcherer, Siegfried (2019-01) 数理解析研究所講究録, 2100: 214-221
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