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Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_319.pdfWeil's representation and Siegel's modular forms. / H. Yoshida804.74 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_303.pdfTensor product for SL_2(k) and the Plancherel formula. / M. Tsuchikawa446.54 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_261.pdfA duality theorem for factor spaces. / N. Tatsuuma1.12 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_223.pdfThe Plancherel formula for Sp(n,R). / S. Sano905.68 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_189.pdfEspaces préhomogénes de type parabolique. / H. Rubenthaler1.03 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_177.pdfOn the spherical functions with one dimensional K-type and the Paley-Wiener type theorem on some simple Lie groups. / Y. Muta286.72 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_139.pdfAn integral representation of the Harish-Chandra series on SO_0(n,1). / M. Mamiuda222.94 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_75.pdfStructure of unipotent orbits and Fourier transform of unipotent orbital integrals for semi-simple Lie groups. / T. Hirai1.93 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_51.pdfWhittaker models for representations with highest weight / M. Hashizume540.59 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_45.pdfCertain intertwinning operators for exponential groups. / H. Fujiwara206.77 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_9.pdfSome properties of Fourier transform on Riemannian symmetric spaces. / M. Eguchi664.71 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_1.pdfPaley-Wiener type theorem for certain semi-direct product groups. / S. Ando201.09 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Lectures_in_Mathematics_14_cover.pdfCover and Contents13.19 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Title: Lectures on harmonic analysis on Lie groups and related topics
Authors: Hirai, T.
Schiffmann, Gerard
Author's alias: 平井, 武
Issue Date: 1982
Publisher: Kinokuniya
Journal title: Lectures in Mathematics
Volume: 14
Table of contents: Paley-Wiener type theorem for certain semi-direct product groups. / S. Ando [1]
Some properties of Fourier transform on Riemannian symmetric spaces. / M. Eguchi [9]
Certain intertwinning operators for exponential groups. / H. Fujiwara [45]
Whittaker models for representations with highest weight / M. Hashizume [51]
Structure of unipotent orbits and Fourier transform of unipotent orbital integrals for semi-simple Lie groups. / T. Hirai [75]
An integral representation of the Harish-Chandra series on SO_0(n,1). / M. Mamiuda [139]
Clebsch-Gordan coefficiects for a tensor product representation Ad ⊗ π of a maximal compact subgroup of a real semi-simple Lie group. / H. Midorikawa [149]
On the spherical functions with one dimensional K-type and the Paley-Wiener type theorem on some simple Lie groups. / Y. Muta [177]
Espaces préhomogénes de type parabolique. / H. Rubenthaler [189]
The Plancherel formula for Sp(n,R). / S. Sano [223]
A duality theorem for factor spaces. / N. Tatsuuma [261]
Tensor product for SL_2(k) and the Plancherel formula. / M. Tsuchikawa [303]
Weil's representation and Siegel's modular forms. / H. Yoshida [319]
Rights: The following article has been remained unpublicized by request of the owner of copyright. [H.Midorikawa: "Clebsch-Gordan coefficiects for a tensor product representation Ad ⊗ π of a maximal compact subgroup of a real semi-simple Lie group." pp.149-175]
Appears in Collections:Lectures in Mathematics : Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University

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